Our Holistic Health Practice
Cancer, Arthritis, Depression, Obesity, Heart Attack, Infertility, Birth Abnormalities, Diabetes, Anxiety, are to name a few of the several diseases which have become a prevalent state of affairs in the global society. We are constantly reminded of our despicable failure in the arena of health, despite tremendous advancements in research and methodology of medicine and surgery, through mind-boggling cases of children suffering at the hands of tumors, heart failure, and psychological trauma, and not a soul free from the epidemic of illness.
Gradually, the demise of health has crept into our personal lives by adversely affecting the quality of our relationships and into our professional lives by taking a toll on our career and success. Though we often attribute the absence of wellness to a physical, tangible entity in the form of a disease, the deterioration begins far earlier into the process by causing havoc to our mind, heart and soul, first and foremost. Health, therefore, is a compilation of the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical facets of the phenomena. With the reality crude and clear in front of our eyes, the following Hadith of the Prophet (SAW) presents itself as a matter of concern as well as food for thought:

“There is no disease that Allah has sent down except that
He also has sent down its treatment.”
[The Book of Medicine: Sahih Bukhari]
Holistic Health
Concept of Holistic Health
At Verita, we aim to enhance the quality of health on a personal and professional level. We introduce a nuanced perspective of health and wellness into the health society for cures and solutions which are natural and permanent. The concept of holistic health provides holistic treatment and understanding of health by combining mind, body, heart, and soul in its quest of dealing with all sorts of diseases. This approach amalgamates teachings of science, religion, psychology, psychiatry, and spirituality into one complete model which deals with every unturned stone left to rid the faintest hint of input which could build or exasperate disease in an individual.
At Verita, we aim to enhance the quality of health on a personal and professional level. We introduce a nuanced perspective of health and wellness into the health society for cures and solutions which are natural and permanent. The concept of holistic health provides holistic treatment and understanding of health by combining mind, body, heart, and soul in its quest of dealing with all sorts of diseases. This approach amalgamates teachings of science, religion, psychology, psychiatry, and spirituality into one complete model which deals with every unturned stone left to rid the faintest hint of input which could build or exasperate disease in an individual..

Holistic Health
Currently, we are working in the following areas