Holistic Living
Family and Children
Stepping one step further from the notion of ‘achieving success’, Verità understands the dire need of the society to better comprehend the significance attached to the sacred institution of marriage, parenthood, and familial tranquility. It is through these mediums that a man can maintain and sustain his success for the long haul. Extending the philosophy of human psychology as in the concept of Career and Success, this area signifies the fulfillment of a basic human need, an emotional need – the need for relationships and affection. The woman, be it the mother, the wife, or the daughter, defines the ambiance of tranquility and harmony within the bounds of a home and family. While a man strives to present all requirements for a house, the woman converts that beautifully into a home, and the adornments needed to do so, in the form of good marital relationships, healthy parent-child bonding, or general familial serenity, is brought forth by her.
Holistic Living
Destiny isn’t what has been given to us, but what we eventually do with the ingredients provided to us by God Almighty for a master cuisine or a disastrous dish. To ensure we design the former, it is essential to assign equal, if not more, importance to the people around us. Therefore, individuals carving their personal or family destinies, show determination for growth in personal or relational realms. Keeping this in mind, we offer a variety of programs in the following areas: